In the meantime we would like to assure operators and visitors to Zanzibar that the island is well equipped to deal with this temporary situation as power outages are commonplace and generator backup is provided in all hotels and resorts. .... Wewe umesikia Mkoa gani (hahaaaa) unakosa umeme kwa muda huo wote???????maji hamna??..kununua kila siku kwa mshahara gani????vitu vimepanda bei, mafuta ndio usiseme?kweli hawa watu kweli wana uchungu? ...
Twelve years and ?600 million later, JK Rowling finished her Harry Potter series in a luxury room at one of Scotland's most famous hotels. And the writer celebrated the completion of the seventh and final novel, Harry Potter and the ...
Men Mahmud bestämmer sig ocks? för att hämnas p? egen hand. Det blir startskottet för ett blodigt gängkrig i södra Stockholm, omr?det med postnummer 145. Ett gängkrig som kan leda till katastrof för hela Söderort. ...